
Should Photographers Get Banned From Hassling Celebrities?

By Matthew Paul

The world is split on 2 sides over the exposure of celebrities. The 1st camp asserts they covet limelight, work the press and are PR obsessed, so therefore photographers should be allowed to snap them anywhere, any place, any time. If they get caught doing something prurient so what. Ha! Ha! "we can have a giggle at these over privileged free loading sycophants.

The other opinion starts out the same as the last one, they work the press, love the PR, get tons of exposure, are over privileged, yada-yada-yada- however the press should not be permitted to snap them in intimate settings, nor should they be allowed to camp out on their door steps.

I have got to say the latter view holds the smaller minority. So are these hard working celebs entitled to some freedom from the press? Well whether or not you suspect movie stars like Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, or uber celebs like the Beckhams, Beyonce Knowles, J-Lo or Puff Daddy are selling obsessed freaks, are their human civil rights being violated by papparazzi's following their every day moves?

It seems not just yet in America or Great Britain. These states have a unsatisfiable press and public requirement for gossip, frivolity and entertainment. The public delight at the turbulence, scandals and falls from grace that adorn their celebrity heroes. The courts of law aren't too heavy on the paps neither, unless there's a physical confrontation.

As there are no laws regarding being snapped in the general public domain, celebs just have to put up with it. Let's be honest most of them love it and doesn't it appear surprising that some celebs seem to be prone to the paps getting a tip off when they are entering city? I'm wondering who might have blown the whistle. The following day Twitter updates go flying, and the celebs seo marketing bosses appear to be the 1st folk on the case with the news that our celeb is doing some "charity" work or about to launch a new book.

But if you return to the tragic circumstances of Dodi Fayed and princess Diana's tragic death in 1997, you can see the snappers and celebrity culture in it's most detrimental form. After this wearing event the French govt brought in troublesome laws per celebs and movie stars being snapped against their wishes. Perhaps that is the reason why Johnny Depp would prefer to spend the majority of his time apart from the movie set in France.

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