
Photography Hints For Eliminating People Or Objects From Images

By Carl Drotsky

If you enjoy the art of photography, you might agree that one of the biggest challenges to getting the right shot at famous places such as Table Mountain is the presence of unwanted guests drifting through your photos. Whether in the background or in the forefront of the shot, random people walking through your image can make a million dollar shot worth a few rand. So what should a photographer do to guarantee a spotless picture of a prominent place? Although you may be tempted to rudely shout at anyone who dares walk near the line of your lens, this type of frustrated behaviour is no longer necessary. With modern computer programs, you can now easily remove unwanted people from your photos.

There are two types of software you need to know about if you're interested in this type of editing. SnapMania Tourist Remover comes with a cost while the GNU Image Manipulation Program is free of charge. They each function along the same principle. All a photographer needs to guarantee a spotless picture are a few photos of the identical view, as long as the photos have walkers standing in separate spots on separate photos. This software is clever enough to capture the various available backgrounds from each picture and merge them to create a complete and flawless image.

Both computer programs follow similar operation methods. Three images taken at the same framed location are the minimum needed for either of the two software programs to function. Any movement whatsoever during a shot will decrease the quality of the finished product image, so a tripod is most helpful to capture the necessary images. Before leaving the photography spot, check your photos to make sure that if a person was walking in one spot in an image, that spot is clear in at least one of the other photos. Now all you need to do is load your pictures into SnapMania. The software automatically locates unwanted people or items and replaces them with the exposed version of that exact spot from one of the other photos. The finished product image is quite impressive, but make sure to thoroughly check the image for something out of the ordinary which may have occurred.

Every now and then, the SnapMania Tourist Remover does not fulfill its role of taking out each individual fragment of the object or person. You will know this is what's happened when you see, for example, a trace of a woman's handbag or her hair floating unpredictably in the picture. One quick stroke you can attempt when this occurs is to re-load the photographs at a much greater quality; this sometimes solves the problem. However, if this isn't successful, you'll need to go back and take a few more pictures, being very careful to take it from the exact location. Then include them with the other pictures to begin the process again.

Although the GNU Image Manipulation Program is free, it requires a tad more from the photo editor. Instead of independently finding and eliminating the problem areas on its own, the GNU is set up for you to compile the images one on top of the other to spot the parts you want to remove. Although this software takes a little more time, you can still come out with the same flawless image at the end of the day. Either of these programs will set you up for more satisfying photo editing and some tips to share with your friends.

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