
Is There A Best Way To Learn The Piano? Part 3

By Anthony Fernando

In the previous articles, we've looked at books, DVD's and learning on your own, so this time we will be looking at :

Learning from a Teacher

This is the second traditional way people learn how to play the piano.

A piano instructor is a great way to learn how to play, they will evaluate your ability level and what you want to learn and then go about teaching you ways to achieve that.

One thing to keep in mind is that even with a teacher, you will not become an expert overnight or in a few weeks.

Just like every other method, you'll need practice, commitment and motivation to keep playing and improving. Its something that takes years to master.

While teachers are definitely a great choice, there are still a couple of downsides. They are not available all the time. You will find that like everybody else, they work a certain set of hours. This might not match up well with your availability or when you wish to learn and play.

The other drawback is that teachers cost money. You'll have to pay for every lesson as long as you keep going, so its a continuing investment to your learning.

So Which Is The Best Way?

There is no 'right ' way to learn how to play the piano. You have to take a look at yourself and think how you want to learn new things.

Consider the last time you had to learn something? Did you read instructions or books, watch or ask some other person about it or just have a go at it yourself?

Myself, I started by hiring a teacher to learn the basics, I wanted to confirm I got the basics right and work my way up from there. I then started with learn piano software later on to help me learn the tracks I wanted.

Nevertheless this is only how I worked and I tried two methods before I worked out what was best for me. You might find that you learn better by reading on your own and experimenting and practicing in your own time.

Whatever method you choose, make sure you weigh up your options and select thoroughly, and if it isn't working for you, don't be afraid to try one of the other options!

Happy playing!

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