
Finding The Best iPod Ad's

By Andi Yulianto

Apple has sold about 250 million tunes from its iTunes Music Shop and 10 million iPods. With the release of updated iPod models, Apple has launched a brand new iPod ad campaign in various national and international magazines, billboards and in the World-wide-web. The new set of iPod ad features a number of vibrant colors and design schemes using a black silhouetted figure of a person dancing with or simply enjoying an iPod. Cropped versions of these iPod ads can also be seen in updated Apple iPod internet pages.

The new style is pretty distinctive and colorful compared towards the usual uncomplicated, white advertising they're popular of within the past. The colorful and silhouetted iPod ad campaign of Apple makes the white iPod earphones quite recognizable.

An iPod ad is being run by 3 a mobile operator in the United Kingdom. It is the first ever 3G mobile video ad campaign for the Apple iPod. The iPod ad runs for 14 seconds that features the ever famous silhouetted dancers from the brand's campaign concept.

iPod ad has grow to be very common indeed that within the Simpsons episode entitled "Thank God, It is Doomsday," Homer Simpson noticed within the Gospel for Less shop this iPod sort of ad.

Even so, the copying with the idea has gone wild as Apple threatens to sue Music Channel Fuse extra than their new ad campaign that looks just like the iPod ad campaigns. Music Channel Fuse and its owner Cablevision's Rainbow Media are threatened by Apple's lawyers getting a lawsuit unless the music channel stops the campaign.

In the similar campaign, figures of people in silhouette are watching while television with the colorful background. The campaign may mirror iPod ad campaign but Fuse takes the idea to a very different direction with one of their ad versions showed a man apparently masturbating while one showed a man doing a beer bong.

Rapper Eminem and Music group Black Eyed Peas also rode with the sucess of iPod ad campaign's bandwagon, as the former was featured in a version of an iPod ad rapping and appearing on screen.

Also, the latter and their song "Hey Mama" from the album "Elephunk" became far more well-liked soon after the song was employed in another iPod ad campaign. The song was selected for the iPod tv ad campaign by Apple and the creative team at TWBA Chiat Day. They believed the song was appealing and would absolutely attract the attention with the viewers.

Apple ad is also reported lately to be included within iTunes soon. The testing advertisements are sure to lure advertisers interested in reaching million of iTunes users. But, many users are not excited about this because they have been used to an Apple ad free iTunes. As much as the Apple ad will appear only on the lower left corner of the iTunes Library, this can still prove to be risky.

iPod ad in iPod pages, posters, magazines, and billboards have been popping up all over key cities around the world. This also proves that Apple is aggressive with this new iPod ad push.

As a matter of reality, Enterprise 2.0 has included the U2 silhouette iPod ad campaign in its 2005 Wise List. The annual tip of the hat to the brightest minds in business of this magazine has given their nods to Apple in its unique concept of advertising iPod.

The iPod ad was a collaboration of lead singer Bono of U2 and Apple CEO Steve Jobs. They take location to be lengthy time buddies who worked closely for this iPod ad campaign. They every contributed towards the ad campaign and their efforts in advertising iPod paid of rather properly. At the exact same time, Apple's iTunes Music Shop produced the exclusive release of U2's Ways to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb.

Using the success of the iPod campaign, the album also hit the charts for weeks soon after its debut in November 2005.

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