
3 Different Photography Niches

By Shawn Smith

If you like picture taking and possess a knack for creativeness, it might be the profession in which you could head. There are three primary areas of photography in which you could concentrate on. These are general, commercial and advertising. Clearly you have to select the one that fits you best. If you have had any training experience, like classes or courses then you could be able to have a lot of achievements in the commercial/advertising area which are the most profitable.

General photographers are the ones who own their own company and work at home. This particular type of photographer typically do not use this job as their only income and generally won’t have their own studio. The work of these photographers can vary but most of them you will find would take photographs of weddings, senior portraits and family portraits. These kinds of people would have evolved from a general interest.

Commercial photographers work for companies rather than the community. The line of work includes brochures, newspapers, architectural businesses, publications and small private work for businesses developing their own brochures. Freelancers usually have more flexible hours but can't rely on steady income like staff photographers.

Advertising photographers help a firm to promote themselves. Photographers aiming for this area will find it tough breaking into this area, but they will be able to charge substantial rates for their work as they gradually build up their portfolio. Experts in this field include Blinq Photography, a Melbourne professional photography studio. Advertising photography is however very difficult for anyone to get into and demands patience and the development of your skills over many years.

Before selecting what photography area you want a career in, make sure to do some research first to find out which would be best suited to you in terms of skill required and time needed to be invested.

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