
Wedding Cakes For Modern Brides

By Adriana Noton

When a couple decides that they are going to spend the rest of their lives together it is usually made official by a wedding ceremony and in most cases a reception. Among the major highlights of these joyous occasions are the wedding cakes. They represent the celebration of the union, the sweetness of love and the beauty of the occasion.

Their decorations of icing and different accessories make the several tiers look very lovely. They are the center of attention at the reception and the guests receive a piece after the special cake cutting ceremony which they witness. As is customary, the bride cuts the first piece while the groom helps her.

The groom feeds the bride a piece first and then he eats a piece fed to him by her. This job is the first that they will do together as man and wife and it is a representative of their support for one another. Saving the top tier of the cake is a tradition carried out by some couples. It is frozen and kept until the first anniversary when it is shared with family and friends.

In days gone by, the traditional wedding cake was white with white icing and this is what the majority of couples had. Nowadays, they can be made in a variety of designs, flavors and colors and there is no limit to what can be produced. When it comes time to choose the cake, many brides put a lot of time and effort into finding one that meets their needs exactly.

Weddings can be very expensive and getting the right one at the right price is very important especially if the budget is low. They will search through hundreds of cakes in bridal magazines, on the internet or even the portfolio supplied by the baker. Brides generally like to know that a personal touch is applied to their chosen cake in some way and usually it is in a way that reflects the theme.

Regardless of if it is iced in the wedding colors or monogrammed with their initials it must be one of a kind. Bridal cakes are available in various shapes but most of the time they are either round, rectangular or square. There are also many other choices and ideas from which they may be made.

If a cake is square it can be used to feed a larger amount of people than a round one that is the same size. Since the size of the guest list is proportionate to the size of the cake, reducing the list is a good way to save some money on the cake. Among the most popular decorations for bridal cakes are fresh flowers and those made from icing as well as silk, lace and ribbons.

While some couples like their designs to remain simple and classy others prefer more elaborate and magnificent designs. In spite of which choice is made people always have great expectations for Toronto wedding cakes. They should taste really good, fit the wedding theme and look fantastic.

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