
Richard Overton Dies At The Age Of 81

By Eleanor Thompson

Richard Overton dies of diabetes and dementia at the age of eighty one. This is a man, who some say was a beast, for murdering his wife, Janet. He was serving out a life sentence in a California state prison for her murder. Although never charged, he also tried killing Dorothy, his first wife, the same way he murdered Janet. He slowly poisoned these women with cyanide and he even admitted to altering Dorothy's food would not admit to murdering Janet.

These women had the same exact symptoms, of nausea, discolored feet that were peeling and very painful lesions. At first the medical examiner couldn't find the cause of death, but when Dorothy went to them and told her story that was like Janet's, then they redid the exam and found that there was cyanide in her body and that is the cause of death. He used cyanide and selenium both it is reported.

This man kept diaries and in them he wrote detailed accounts of the murder and symptoms of Janet. He wrote in codes in Russian and in Spanish, the jurors found this evidence convincing. So, at his own hands he was convicted of murder.

What makes someone want to murder someone, especially if you're married to them? It is said that he was jealous because of ongoing affairs that she had with several men and that she wouldn't give him a divorce. But with Dorothy, it is said, that he secretly married another woman who had his baby, while still married to Dorothy, with their four kids.

To commit such a cruel crime is a outrageous and pointless. He could have just left, with or without a divorce. There is no reason for such a crime as this to have taken place, unless the person is really a psychopath.

The saddest thing about all of this is he took their son's mom from him. His son, Eric, said his dad, killed the person he loved more than anyone else in the world, his mother. And that is heartbreaking. Richard Overton, a well educated man, a murderer, according to those that found him guilty. Read more about: richard overton

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