
Keeping Up Your Professionalism

By Dexter Fulton

Can you recall when you could control the flow of information about yourself? Once upon a time, the amount of information about you and how it could be found was completely within your control. Alas, this isn't true any longer. Nowadays, people have all sorts of ways to find out whatever they would like to find out about you. This is tricky on a normal scale for people who have traditional jobs. It's far harder for people who work online. Now, an errant blog post could mean the difference between getting the sale and not getting the sale.

Thus,, what must you do? What's your master plan? The secret to maintaining your success is to make sure that your reputation, both online and off, is to be as professional as you can be at all times. The following are some tips to help you with that.

1. It's crucial that every single piece of writing you craft is spelled and punctuated properly. It doesn't matter if you're simply composing a quick instant message to someone or crafting your sales page. Proper spelling and grammar are crucial. The last thing you want is for a prospective client to find something you've written and find out that it is full of errors. It demonstrates that you have no idea about what is what.

2. Make sure you respond to each email message and phone call. When you reply, see to it that you are amicable and positive and polite. Try not to let an online message sit in your box for more than a day without replying to it. Don't let a voice mail message go unreturned. Each phone call needs to be answered by the third ring. These are the types of details that will tell others all they need to know about how dedicated you are to your project.

3. Accept critiques graciously and nicely. There are invariably going to be people who would like you to feel awful about yourself. At the same time, there are people who are going to have legitimate complaints about what you are offering or how you are offering it. It is vital to earnestly consider every last critique and to look into whether or not it's possible to make the changes the person wishes from you without it being damaging to your business. Afterwards, let the person know if you will be heeding his critique or not and explain, politely, why you decided to go with that specific course of action. This will demonstrate that you take each person seriously, not merely people who give you compliments.

4. Pay attention to your social media! When you're in the world of social media it's too easy to forget that you're not simply a random person; you are representing your business. Tweets and Facebook messages that are too informal may be suited for the individual they are directed at. If a person happens to come across the messages, however, he might think that you're way too casual about your project.

5. Let who you are shine as much as possible. Nobody says you have to conceal everything about who you are. In fact, one of the best ways to set yourself apart is to let who you are reflect on your work. All the same, you're still trying to run a business so make sure that you keep your best face forward.

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