
Green Living Is For Individuals And Businesses Alike

By Hugo Mendez

Unless you're into green living in a serious way, it's likely that you have not heard of of the new entrant, Harvest Power. Syngas and biogas are produced by this green business, through the process of converting organic matter, which is commonly thrown away e.g. plant waste, food rubbish and woody bits and pieces. Conversion into natural gas, heat and electrical power are all possibilities. Harvest Power is showing the road and hopefully a lot more businesses will follow, unlocking renewable energy and rendering organic fertiliser from what is commonly regarded as refuse. The more companies dealing with waste in this way, the better for the Earth.

Adding Harvest Power's compost products to soil enhances its quality and makes it healthier. Compost, added to growing mediums like soil, primarily raises the range and quantity of plant nutrients contained in the soil. Chemical plant foods usually do not contain the macro and micronutrients present in compost, and so people realize more health benefits from consuming plants grown using natural compost. The benefit of adding compost to your veggie garden is in the long run an improvement in your family's overall health. A further positive is that water usage is decreased by adding organic compost. This is because healthy root systems are encouraged, holding water in the soil for longer.

The benefits from substituting synthetic fertilisers with organic compost are widespread. It prevents the environmental problems caused by chemical fertilizers, such as raising soil acidity, contaminating groundwater, and encouraging the overabundance of nitrogen. Enriching soil with compost means lots of good insects, worms and other organisms that aerate the soil. Importantly, cropsoils can be returned to natural balance by adding compost, counteracting the cumulative effects of the erosion of topsoil. If we want to live in a sustainable manner, it's important to have healthy soil.

Harvest Power is pursuing other eco friendly activities such as anaerobic digesters, engineered fuels and renewable energy. What anaerobic digestion does is break down waste with natural organisms and transform it into biogas. Benefits of process include generating clean, renewable energy, diverting waste from landfills, restoring good soil with compost, replacing chemical fertilizers, and creating green jobs. It would be nice if all businesses would care about the environment and and use green business practices.

Not everyone can work for a green business, but there are a great deal of little things that all people can do. For example, many parents instruct their kids not to waste food. Yet, food is really squandered on a massive scale. A Stockholm company has estimated that food wastage of a staggering 50% takes place between the production and consumption of food. In the United States alone, the disposed of food is estimated at $48.3 billion. It would be bad enough if it was only the food alone, but what about wasting water? The same company states that 40 trillion liters of water are wasted in the United States. Sufficient for half a billion people. Almost everyone could do things to conserve water.

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