
The Fujifilm FinePix A303 Digital Camera: Does It Fit Your Criteria For A Digital Camera?

By Ahmed Anwar Akkare

If you are wanting to buy a digital camera, you are in for a tough task. I am certain you already know that there are plenty of digital camera manufacturers and each of them are making many different styles of cameras. And the ironic thing is that some of the companies shouldn't even be making these digital cameras mainly because the cameras they make are terrible. No matter what you are looking for in a digital camera, it is good to know precisely what you want. For instance, if price is an issue, you should determine the price of how much you are willing to pay for a camera. Do you want to record video, or do you just want a camera that will snap photographs and then transfer the images to your PC?

Once you have what you want narrowed down, you can then take your smaller list to search for the right digital camera for you. Naturally, if you want the best possible quality, you will find that the traditional 35mm SLR camera will shoot better photos than just about any digital camera. But the reason you would like a digital camera is so that you don't need to spend a considerable amount of money on developing rolls of film. Perhaps another criteria is the media card, and maybe the 16 MB card that comes with the FinePix A303, or the 64 MB card that you can buy additionally to store 250-300 high quality images. And if you choose the 64 MB, card you won't ever need to worry about running out of space as you can delete the photographs once you transfer them to your computer.

The Fuji A303 is a nice little digicam that has the ability to snap high quality photographs with the 3.2 mega pixels. You will like the 6x zoom that comes standard with the FinePix A303 and you will also like the other features. And the simplicity of using this camera is also something a lot of people like about this unit. But for those who also want to be able to record videos and sound, then this camera may not be the best camera for you.

One of the complaints consumers have had is first of all, the camera drains batteries fast. You do have the choice to turn the view screen off and if you combine that with for the most part shooting photographs outside where you don't need a flash, the batteries will last the same as other cameras. But then, if you keep using the view screen and you always have the flash on, you will have to stock up on batteries. the other complaint is about losing photographs when you scroll through your images using the review function. The problem is that while you are reviewing the photos, if you don't scroll all the way to the last photos before you resume taking more photographs, the camera will begin to overwrite the photographs that were saved. This can be very annoying the first time it occurs, and you lose some photographs that you actually wanted.

The fact that the Fujifilm FinePix A303 is a plastic camera and not really durable has resulted in a few complaints. In general, you will see that most people like the FinePix A303 and the fact that it is made with a plastic case is something that nearly all people expect from a digital camera that is inexpensive. Basically, if you are searching for an affordable digital camera, this camera is definitely something you should check out.

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