

By Sachin Kumar Airan

If you are looking for a fun new experience that will really help you enjoy your next vacation you may want to think about checking out how to start boogieboarding. Somewhat of a mix between surfing and skiing, boogieboarding is the latest water sport craze and for good reason, because when you are out on the ocean on a board you will quickly find yourself having so much fun that you will not want to even think about heading into shore.

Many people get confused between what the difference is between boogieboarding and surfing, and rightly so as they both take place on the water and from the shore look very similar. However, the easiest way to describe the difference is to explain that boogie boarding is much more like body surfing and is a great deal more hands on given the fact that when you are boarding you have a much smaller board to rest on which means that it is a high contact sport. It is this thrill alone that gets plenty of water sports enthusiasts addicted to the idea of hitting the waves as much as possible.

The first thing that you will notice when you look at a boogieboard is the fact that it is tiny next to a surf board as there is only room for just about the midsection of your body with a tiny bit of overspill. Usually they are made out of wood or fiberglass since both of these materials are very porous and float well in the water which is very important when it comes to boogieboarding effectively. If you are on holiday you will not have to worry about these details as much since you can easily rent a boogieboard from any of the water sports shops instead of purchasing one.

One thing you will notice once you get out in the water however is just how different boogieboardin gis when compared to surfing even if it looks the same from afar. This is because you ride a body board in a very different fashion as you lay down on your stomach and then use your feet to paddle out into the waves. Many people choose to put fins on their feet while boogieboarding because this helps you to build up speed and get crashing into the waves.

This is also very important because most of the time when you are boogieboarding your aim is to catch waves that are close to the shore instead of heading out deep into the surf which means that you have to build up speed in a very short amount of time. Once you hit a wave you then get to ride it off while lying on the board which allows you to really feel the strength of the current as it pulls you up and back down with it. Due to the fact that you do not have to stand up while boogieboarding, it is a great activity for those who lack the balance or skills to try out surfing.

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