
The Best Locations For A Successful Film Shoot

By Leigh Cutright

Just as in real estate, location is one of the most important elements when filming. Your commercial, movie or promotional video will have a more polished, professional image if your setting fits the scene.

Lighting is one of the most important elements to consider while you are choosing a location. No matter whether you are doing still photography or filming, the lighting needs to look as natural as possible. The advantage of a studio is that you can control the lighting throughout the day, however finding a place with plenty of natural lighting creates a more realistic and polished final product.

For studio settings, it is best to rent the space for enough time to complete your shoot, as well as giving yourself a day or two to experiment with the lighting. Go in before and set up a workable lighting plan. Take some film to make sure you know what the quality of the finished product will be.

If you have scouted an outdoor location, it's important that you establish a good working relationship with the people who own the property. If it is a city-owned location, make sure you have completed all the necessary paperwork and paid all the fees. Keep copies of everything on hand to avoid bureaucratic hassles. Most important with any outdoor scene is to make sure your staff is on time and organized. Conditions can change by the minute, so be sure to account for any changes of wind, lighting and other weather issues.

Finding an indoor space with an ample amount of natural light as well as the square footage you need is ideal. A city loft might be your best option. Many offer tons of space, as well as a multitude of windows to let in all of that great natural light.

When you choose a loft, try to find one that offers not only a huge main area with plenty of shooting options, but also one with excellent architectural details, such as wood floors, exposed brick, high ceilings and maybe even a wall of windows. Also choose one that has space, maybe even a separate room to use as an office or a changing area. If you can find one with a professional kitchen, it

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