
What Is New With The iPad 2?

By Joseph Cascella

For the majority of us, it is impossible to escape the fact that the iPad 2 is out. There is always a lot of media coverage of anything Apple do. Maybe it's thanks to all the fan boys, or is it simply because Apple develops quality products? Coming from somebody who is unbiased, I'd say it's a bit of the two. Twelve months separate the launch dates of the iPad and now the iPad 2. The query that enters virtually all people's minds is 'is it worth buying the new iPad?', and that is the question I will endeavor to resolve in this mini-review.

The first thing to notice with the iPad 2 is the diminution in size. The iPad 2's screen size has stayed the same at a nice 9.7 inches; nevertheless, the thickness of iPad 2 has been reduced by 33% of the original size, which of course is a good thing. The iPad 2 is likewise weighs less, weighing in at just over 600g. That's very light. I've held both an iPad and an iPad 2 and I should declare there is an evident difference in its feel. Don't think a thinner and less heavy design means the performance is affected, because boy oh boy would you be wrong...

The relative impact of iPad movies on your situation can be dramatic and cause issues of all kinds. At times there is simply way too much to even attempt to cover in one go, and that is important for you to recognize and take home. We will begin the rest of our conversation right away, but sometimes you have to stop and let things sink in a little bit. After all we have read, this is appropriate and powerful information that should be considered. As usual, we typically save the very best for last.

The new iPad is as a matter of fact a lot speedier than the original model. For one, Apple touts that its graphics processor is nine times faster than the first iPad. That is a big improvement, if what they claim is accurate. The thinking behind this is deu to new cameras and what is needed for games. Plus, the change from an A4 to an A5 chip implies that Apple has a fast processor inside. The A5 chip features a dual core processor and it makes a difference to the speed of the recent iPad. I definitely noticed it was zippier, even with lots of apps running in the background. Loading time is faster and I could see this when using the web and video functions on both iPads.

The iPad 2 now has two cameras. You will find these fixed at both the rear and the front. The initial iPad didn't come with cameras in the least, so this is a major feature if you're bothered about having a camera on your device. A somewhat better capability of one of the cameras is the ability to photograph in 720p HD. Video calling and fun photos are now possible with the new iPad with the inclusion of FaceTime and Photobooth. The front camera puts you face-to-face when video calling when using FaceTime whereas the iPad's back camera displays your surroundings.

In sum, I would personally urge switching from the original iPad to the iPad 2 if you can afford it, however if you're not interested in slightly faster loading times then don't bother. The additional features are not that earth-shattering, although you do now have cameras and overall the enhancements are good.

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