
Methods For Designing A 3D Photo-Montage Visualisation

By Bert Silva

A 3D Photo-Montage is a photograph merged together with a 3D CGI components that combine together seamlessly. 3D Photo-Montages are usually created to show the finished result of a building or development under construction or even before building has started. To be able to create such a montage you will need a 3D software package for your computer (3DS Max or Cinema 4D) and you will need a photo editing packages such as Photoshop. The plans for the submitted building, survey of the area for ground levels and of course a photograph of the scene as it is.

Before beginning you need to examine the photograph and consider which elements need modelled and which don't, anything which isn't directly visible in the scene can be left out (or modelled with minimum detail), but when considering this you need to also think about reflections in glass etc. and whether the parts not visible to camera will actually be mirrored on reflective surfaces and whether it is worth modelling detail into them or not.

Beginning the modeling stage keep working to a scale of 1:1, this is so the light reacts to the scene as real looking as possible. When you import all the views of the building into the 3D package set them to scale. The procedure I tend to use is to make a parametric box and give it a length consistent with a large distance in the scene. Take for example the length of the entire building and then measure the relative height to match.

While modeling keep in mind to model the surrounding features such as house eves, lampposts to the accurate scale and level. This will cause less problems when it comes to the camera matching stage.

When the scene is modelled, import the photograph into the 3D visualisation package as a background and create a camera. You need to position the camera as closely as possible to match the scene. A good method is to draw a spline around the site at the correct level in the 3d package and hide all elements apart from the surrounding elements and the spline. If you know what lens was used to take the photograph put the same settings into the virtual camera settings(If not 35mm is a good starting point). Then adjust the camera until everything lines up as much as possible, you may need to also adjust the 'focal length' settings but only touch this if the camera is not lining up correctly. When you're happy, unhide all the geometry needed for the montage and hide everything else. Then light the scene as closely as possible to the photo - study the height and direction of the sun and match the virtual lights accordingly.

When finishing these stages of the process you ill have to render the scene with 'alpha channel', do not include the photo as a background. Open both the render and the photograph with Photoshop and then layer them. Then blend the exposure and get rid of any elements in the foreground. This will make sure the CGI will hold as much as possible to the photograph.

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