
Making An Impression By Using Photography Portfolio Cases

By Shannon Hilson

Due to the ease of taking photographs these days, most of the people have forgotten that photography is in fact an art. While taking yet another photo of your puppy playing in the snow may be more of personal keepsake, there are many photographs that need to be recognized as art and kept safe and secure.

If you are in the business of clicking photographs, then you need to rely on quality photographs to win new clients. Without your portfolio all you have is your word to tell the client how good you are at photography. Instead of simply telling your clients that you are a good photographer, you can show him a sample of your work.

One way to show your photographs to a client in way that projects professionalism is by using a high quality photography portfolio case. While the case itself may not have an effect on the quality of your work, it can have a lot of effect on the impression that you put on your client. In today's world the first impression that you give is the one that is recognized by the clients and it is this impression that can make or break your day.

It is a well known fact that most of the clients would look at the work of several photographers before choosing one. Depending upon how many photographers that have been interviewed by the clients you may end up becoming just another face in the crowd. So what is required is a way to distinguish yourself from the rest and make yourself more memorable. There are basically two ways to achieve this goal, one is by clicking outstanding photos and other is by projecting a great image.

Before going to client, you should take the time to dress up, and make sure that your appearance says only well about you. Is it worth compromising your image by using a cheap portfolio case to show your work to your prospective clients? I think not. In order to get the best you need to invest some money into a portfolio case that is worthy of your work.

The good news is, most of your competition carries the same type of case. It is a black leather or vinyl soft-sided case, and it looks just like everyone else's case. Chances are if the cases were put together some photographers would have a hard time picking their own case out from the rest. When you walk in with your silver metal photography case, you automatically become noticed. Two days later when the client is trying to remember one photographer from the rest, you will be the one they remember the most.

As an artist or a freelance photographer, your image is a very important commodity. In order to maximize your potential to get hired for jobs you absolutely must find a way to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Don't let your choice of portfolios hold you back from getting new clients. Invest in a metal photography case that will protect your photographs and send a message that you are worth noticing.

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