
Learn To Play Guitar Songs By Following A Few Fast Suggestions

By Daniel Williams

In order to begin to play guitar songs, you will need to start off with a tuned guitar. If you don't have a tuned guitar, when you play your song, it won't sound at all the way you expect it to. You will also need to become skilled at reading the guitar tabs in order to play guitar songs.

Since you would like to play guitar songs, then you don't only want to know about the tabs, but you will need to learn to listen to a song like a pro. The very first step you need to take is to listen very carefully to any songs you want to play. If you are just beginning, you need to stick with songs that are simpler to play, such as 3-chorded songs, playing simple chords.

When you listen to these songs you would like to play, be sure to pay exact attention to both rhythm and timing - that is, when are the strings being strummed? When you listen to the song for a few times through, you should be able to follow the song by reading your tab, like following along when a story is being read. Repeat this until you have the rhythm and the timing of the song down.

When you are done with the steps of listening a number of times, then reading along with the guitar tabs, then it's time to pick up your instrument. When the song is playing, quietly play along. Don't play so loud you don't hear the song - you are trying to copy what you hear.

Once you feel comfortable with the timing of the song and how to strum it, then you should turn off the music and try to play it on your own. If you need a reminder, you should listen again to the song and try once more. Keep repeating the process, one song at a time. Master the music, before you move onto another piece. Keep trying until you can begin to sing along as well.

One other helpful tip is to record yourself playing with a video camera. When you are done with the song, then watch yourself on the television. The point is to see your errors, and almost become your own teacher.

If you are serious and want to learn to play guitar songs, you need passion. You will do yourself a favor grow in patience as you keep at it. It is OK to make plenty of mistakes along the way - this is normal. However, if you find that you are repeatedly making the same errors, it might be time for a break. Don't allow frustration to grow in you, just put down the guitar for a while and pick it up when you feel relaxed and ready to try again.

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