
Advice On The Strongest Diablo 3 Wizard Skills

By David Wildmer

As you play through the game, you are going to quickly realize that the stronger your powers are, the more you will dominate your opponents. Understand the most powerful Diablo 3 Wizard skills, or else you will not be able to defeat the most difficult enemies in the game.

As soon as it becomes available to you, put a skill point into teleport. Teleport lets your character quickly move around the screen without being vulnerable to attacks from enemies. You can use this skill to flee from enemies, or to easily find exits in certain areas. It is very useful if you are looking for specific boss creatures, and a very effective method to travel around levels.

One of the new skills in Diablo three is the familiar. Familiars are creatures that ally with the Wizard to help him overcome enemies by inflicting damage to them. It is also unable to be targeted by enemies, making it basically immortal. This can also be a weakness though, since it won't have the ability to take damage like a golem or a mercenary could.

Blizzard is an incredibly effective ice based skill that drops damaging ice on a large section of your screen, injuring and chilling all monsters in the area selected. Ice abilities are very useful, as they will slow your enemies and make them more vulnerable to attacks.

Like in the other games, the most powerful spell in the game is Meteor. This fire attack throws a huge flaming boulder on a specific area of your screen. It causes a significant amount of fire based damage to your enemies, and leaves a field of fire that causes more damage with time.

Know that certain creatures in D3 have resistances or weaknesses to different types of abilities. If you learn about the Diablo 3 Wizard skills, you will have an easier time beating the game.

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