
What can you do with Used Photograph Frames?

By Nathan Hall

If you break a framed photograph, you throw off the shattered glass and the frame. Only what if the frame is particularly beautiful? Or what if the frame is virtually intact? Suddenly you get some creative picture frame ideas and turn an accident into a new aesthetic object. So you think to yourself: "An old picture frame never really becomes old". In this article we're going to share some useful and tasteful ways to reuse old photograph frames.

When you want to recycle a picture frame, think about what's actually left of it. If it's not crushed but its color has worn out, go ahead and recolor it. It might become a brand new colored photograph frame for the kid's room, or you could paint it in white and take the new white picture frame and place a mirror in it instead of the glass. Now you've got a new mirror in a shiny white picture frame.

Get all those postcards you've received for Christmas and select a really pretty one. Then frame it with one of your unused picture frames. You can even use it as a present. Or, let's say you're truly time pressed and there's a friend's birthday tomorrow. Then you recollect you still have some genuinely crazy pictures from a recent Saturday night party on your computer, and indeed he's in the images and he's horsing around. You print it and frame it. That present is going to bring up some laughter for sure. And at the end of the party you realize you built a wonderful present, you made everyone laugh and you successfully reused an old picture frame.

What about the damaged frames, aren't you supposed to throw it away? Maybe you should, but in case you were wondering how to make a picture frame, you can craft it from other broken image frames. Take the ones with the identical size and put them together, some nails and some glue might come in handy. Or if you're in a creative mood go ahead and build some original pentagonal, octagonal or triangular frames. You can get a piece of thin Styrofoam and slice it to fit the frame. Tape it and you have a brand new message board.

How to make a picture frame look wonderful by reusing it looks to be a tricky job at first but once you think about it several times you might actually come up with some creative picture frame ideas.

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