
Special Lighting For Photography Can Give Amazing Results

By Parker Michaels

Getting the perfect shot for a photograph is more than just timing and the right background. The way that the scene is lit up can make all the difference when it comes to getting quality results. Lighting for photography is as much an art as being able to take the picture itself.

When pictures were first created, the entire process was dependent upon the light that was being exposed to the film. This incredible element of the picture would determine if it would be crisp and clear or result in a blurry blob. For this reason, people used to have to remain in the same position for very long times in order to assure the result was of a good quality.

Thankfully, today's technology does not require these extreme actions. The automated light meter that camera's now have makes the settings for the shutter speed, film speed, and aperture setting much easier to accomplish. The way a picture is created is strongly linked to how the light is used at the time of the photograph being taken.

An automatic light meter is excellent for most situations. However, there are occasions in which this must be overridden to get the desired exposure results on the film. If a subject is darker than the background, the meter will not be able to properly account for it, or if the sun is shining and the subject is hidden in shadow, and snow is always confusing for the automatic adjustment. In these cases, it will be necessary overexpose the film. There are also situations that the film will need to be underexposed, such as the subject being lighter than the background, the desired result is a silhouette, or a day with overcast skies.

The spectrum shows us that light has color, but it also has more of a life than that. In photography, the color that light provides is called color temperature, and may be naked to the human eye. Color temperatures make a difference on the film due to its sensitivity.

The time of day, type of shade, and even a light bulb can all cast an added color to pictures. While the color of morning and late evening are warm hues, a clear midday will give blue tints to the photographs. These types of intricacies are hard to learn and take time.

Light light will also affect the mood of a photo based on placement within the picture. Narrow lights that are farther away from the subject will give a harsh, strong appearance, while broad lighting that is closer will be softer and have a gentle effect on the surroundings. A flattering photograph can be created with the right placement.

Getting the perfect light for the effects of a photograph are an art form. Light has a life of its own that it contributes to a photo. The placement of light, whether it is a natural source or an artificial set can make all the difference in a truly exceptional photograph.

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