
The Production Tax Credit

By George Harris

As a result of the launch of movie tax credits as well as incentives, the movie industry has undergone major changes. While the dollar continues to deal with a harsh reality, competition amongst the movie industry has become tighter, as locations in other countries have grown to be relatively more burdensome for the typical film budget of U.S. movie makers, studios, and independent film companies. Presently, there are around 43 states that offer tax incentives plus credits, making it possible for the film and television industries a nice break from high expenses.

Production tax credits as well as other different tax incentives are not just awarded to anybody who desires them. Indeed, qualifications and requirements for consideration are determined on a state by state basis, and several states offer a lot more generous advantages than others. As such, selecting an ideal filming location is important in taking into consideration overall production expenses, as every production firm seeks to increase its profits and reduce its avoidable expenses. Nevertheless, while incentives are identified on a state by state basis, there are multiple studios within each state that can accommodate a film maker's needs. This is to state, just because multiple studios and production complexes exist within a state, it does not mean they will all deliver at the very same level of quality or offer the exact same amenities.

Recently, both Atlanta, Georgia and Wilmington, North Carolina have emerged as perfect spots for filming. North Carolina has a 25% movie tax credit on in-state purchases of merchandise and also services, while Georgia has a 30% movie and TV tax credit- some of the highest film tax credits within the country. Not only do both states provide production tax credits and incentives, but they also provide picturesque and convenient locations, making it possible for many options.

One company who's got a good grip on the movie industry is EUE/ Screen Gems, with locations in 3 tax incentive states, New York, Georgia, and also North Carolina. Screen Gems provides premier grip and lighting services along with an enormous filming area, with both the Atlanta and the Wilmington studios featuring stages of 37,500 sq. ft. (the third largest in North America). Moreover, the Wilmington studios have 2 enormous water tank sound stages, making them a more versatile production complex, able to accommodate the necessities of just about any movie or television producer.

"North Carolina is a top destination for movie and tv. It turns the economic engines in our state. Our incentive is strong and competitive because we're serious about bringing business to North Carolina. We have excellent crew here. They're considered among the best in the business," says Aaron Syrett, director of the North Carolina Film Office. Production tax credit is really a huge factor when it comes to selecting a state to movie in, which is why EUE/Screen Gems has taken full benefit from its ideal production locations in Wilmington, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia.

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