
Mastering your Digital Camera

By Jane Claire

Knowing the various terminologies will help you utilize your camera even better. Here are some of the most common terms in digital camera:

Automatic Mode - A mode which lets you preset the concentration and the lighting condition accordingly.

Burst Mode or Continuous Capture Mode - A set of images taken at a continuous sequence with only a single press of the button.

Compression - The process of compacting digital data, images and text by deleting selected information.

Digital Zoom - Reducing and amplifying the middle portion of the picture.

JPEG - The predominant format used for image compression in digital cameras

Lag Time - The pause between the time the shutter button is pressed and when the camera actually captures the image

LCD - or Liquid Crystal Display that is a limited spaced screen designed for viewing and editing saved and taken pictures.

Lens - A round and translucent plastic or glass fragment which acts as a light collector and concentrates it on the sensor to take the picture.

Megabyte - MB, measures as 1024 KB, and cites to the number of data in a file or how much data can be stored in it.

Pixels - Small components of color that compose up the digital images. It also estimates the resolution of the camera that is responsible on how your picture will look.

RGB - it cites the red, green, blue colors that are utilized in computer systems to produce the other colors.

Resolution - resolution of a digital camera defines the amount of pixels utilized to produce a picture. It is also a basis on how detailed an image will be produced. The greater the pixel amount, the better the picture.

Storage Card - the detachable component of your digital camera that is used to store data such as the images.

Viewfinder - It is a virtually created window to look through to be able to create the perfect scene or background.

White Balance - White balancing adjusts the camera to compensate for the type of light (daylight, fluorescent, incandescent, etc.,) or lighting conditions in the scene so it will look normal to the human eye.

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