
Is The World Going To End In 2012?

By Riley Sun

Is the world's end in 2012 and why this type of date?

The Mayan historical civilization was very advanced when it came to the study of time. They held a number of very precise calendars, such as one known as Long Count which commenced over 5000 years back and ends on December 21st 2012. Today simply because their calendar concludes on that date, doesn't actually mean that the world is going to end in 2012, however interestingly The Mayans aren't the only signs of 2012 to be a pivotal year for human civilization.

The Incas, The Hopi, The Aztecs and The Zulu's amongst others, all suggest this timeframe, and particularly 2012, for being an 'end of an age'. Additionally, many psychics and remote audiences also believe that we are at a vital crossroads in human evolution - certainly some remote viewers declare that they cannot 'see' past 2012, almost as whenever they been unsuccessful!

There are actually individuals that think that rather than the world ending in 2012, human beings will change right into a considerably more advanced, spiritual race understanding that true reality themselves will be exposed knowing that the mystery of time may also be unlocked. They feel we are going to all arise to the know-how that any of us are spiritual beings which has a physical experience on Earth, and therefore what we should call dying is nothing more than getting out of bed following a night-time of sleep and dreams. I rather like the sound of this idea!

The movie 2012, put together a little bit of truth and many magnificent nonsense, and brought the idea of the Mayan Calendar and 2012 into the mainstream. NASA too has mentioned they expect to have major sun storm activity to top in 2012, triggering likely electro-magnetic disturbance on Earth which could have devastating effects to the electric grid and throw Western civilization back a number of centuries.

2012 will probably appear and vanish just like any other year. The reality is though, that there are many symptoms directing to 2012 being a very significant year for people here on Earth. Regardless of whether therefore the world will almost certainly end in 2012, or those we like a species move forward to a more spiritual existence, will be a subject of immense speculation and fascination. Me? I'll keep a balanced view and can carry on and watch events occur when we head ever nearer that key date.

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