
How Can Music Be Promoted In Our Days?

By Jack Wogan

There is something in music that goes so well with our souls that we just can live without it. Young or old, rich or poor, fervent believers or atheist, savage or elegant and civilized, five thousand years ago or today, we never lived without it. It's no wonder that today music has become an industry which brings billions every year. And it's no wonder there are so many trying to go in who need promoting.

With all the media today, there are many possibilities to promote a band, a singer or a style. There is first of all radio, then television (and especially the music television channels), than concerts, internet, movies and many others. It depends a lot on how much your talent can convince others to support you.

If gramophone would be the "great-grandfather" of music promoters, than radio would be the "grandfather". And it is grandfather who's doing very well despite the fact his "son", Television conquered every corners of the world that could be conquered and has such authority. Back in the old days radio was powerful enough to turn an unknown man into a star in a few days. But today music can still make hits out of songs and have a lot to say in making the charts.

The appearance of television meant a new way of promoting music. As television is intended both for looking and listening, in time music videos appeared. Today a good video has the power to make a song popular just as a bad video can ruin it. The last few decades have seen the birth of a new kind of television, dedicated only to music. These channels have become very popular especially with the youngsters and have gained a lot of authority in the musical industry.

Concerts are another way to promote music. Although very solicitant for the artists performing, they bring a lot of popularity and sometimes a lot of money. For opera, vaudevilles or chamber music, the classical styles often ignored by radio and television, concerts are the only way of promoting. Although they are not as popular as the modern styles they have gained a steady public, they have regular concerts and often they have a building of their own where they are performed. For the modern music concert are also excellent ways to promote. For those who want to become famous, concerts held in as many places as possible can make them noticed. For the already famous, concerts or tours promote new albums and celebrate special occasions. A quality sound and good instruments (like the PRS Guitars and effects pedals) makes such an event to be even more appreciated.

Recently the internet has become a music promoter also and its gaining more authority every day. It's not so many years since we were hearing artists bragging with the number of albums sold or their places in the charts. Today we can often hear them bragging also with the number of online visualizations.

Since the invention of the sound for movies, they have also become great music promoters. Although recently there were TV serials which included artists exactly for promotion, usually that was not the intention. Still who doesn't know today the songs from "Singing in the Rain" or "The Sound of Music" or "Grease" or "Mary Poppins"?

These are just a few from the many ways to promote music in our days, but whenever music sounds great our mind will stick to it instantly. This is the reason why in music three minutes can be the path from anonymous to star.

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