
Gargoyle Sculptures And Modern Culture

By Nelda Rich

Gargoyle sculptures have enthralled us throughout the centuries. Coming in an assortment of body mixtures, from animal to human, these monstrous creatures and, historically, carved in hideous relief. Traditionally, gargoyles grace graveyards, churches and doorways. However, in our modern age, they have transformed into the artistic, commercial and symbolic from their, once, practical use; protecting architecture from deterioration.

One of the meanings of the word gargoyle is about what it may sound like to a passer by, namely the gargling of water. As one can ascertain from this, the original use of many a gargoyle was as part of artful drainage systems for rainfall and any other possible moisture overflow. Thus, helping to keep buildings from undue damage by way of erosion.

Superstitions have cropped up as a result of the grotesque appearances of these statues. Numbers of bird-faced humans and lion-headed snakes, to mention but a few, were thought to scare demons away. As well as acting as a deterrent for other less than savory elements, like would-be thieves and desecrators.

In our modern area, the uses are mainly decorative rather than functional. Home-furnishings, gardens and walkways are but a few of the purposes for which gargoyles are currently being replicated. Even things like graphic t-shirts and novel jewelry depicting the statues have been produced. The frightening elements of these ornamental sculptures are but a memory of history, thanks to their everyday use.

In the modern gothic sub-culture, gargoyles have discovered a home. With interest in the darker areas of the human psyche, gargoyles have become a valued symbol to this genre because of their history in and around religious and taboo locals. Affiliation with complex subjects like death and God, have only served to further entice the gothic interest in these frightening statues. But, their superstitious ancestry has almost disappeared into the annals of antiquity.

Of course, there are no limits to the juggernaut of capitalization. Entrepreneurs, upon finding a market, will attempt to make a few dollars from it. Coming to no surprise, then, is the fact that gargoyles have not managed to escape this fact. A taste for such three dimensional sculptures happens to exist within the multitudes of the gothic genre.

Lurking about, gargoyles can be found in many a place. As they subtly accent our personal decor, perhaps, they may, even, still encourage demons to run away. Once can only hope. Read more about: Gargoyle Sculptures

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