
Disney Motion Pictures - Ageless Classics For Young and Old

By Eric James

Did You Grow Up With Disney Motion Pictures? Share The Joy With Your Children

I couldn't imagine my childhood without Disney Movies. Disney has continued to grow and still produces quality entertainement for children and adults alike.

Each tale is unique and you are certain to find a favorite or two among the many films that have been created over the years. Disney movies offer something for everyone no matter what your age. I still get a kick out of seeing the older movies. The artwork is nothing short of amazing. With advances in technology the newer movies are even more beautiful and captivating.

When you watch the movies your are watching a work of art. I may be showing my age but I remember seeing Snow White in the theatres so I can honestly say that I have been able to compare quite a few movies since that time. Computer generated artwork is just as valid as the old hand drawn movies. It takes skill, patience and talent to create something great. The old hand drawn movies will always have the respect they deserve but the newer computer generated imagery is truly stunning.

Children don't care how the movies were created, they just love them anyway. The stories are so compelling and original (not to mention entertaining) that children of all ages will enjoy each and every one of the films. This includes the older ones that retain such charm.

With the ability to purchase my old time favorites on DVD I can give my kids the same experiences that I had when I was a child. Indeed, my children watch these movies over and over again. You might need a while to collect them all but the effort is well worth it.

Being able to have the collection in your own home is great news for kid. What better way to watch a Disney movie than in the comfort of your own home. Most of these films are not seen on television and are rarely re-released in the cinemas but wtih DVD's you can share your child hood wonder with your kids.

While I do love the amazing new Disney movies, I still get a thrill when my kids want to watch one of the older classics. Every child should watch the classic Disney movies. It's good, clean, wholesome entertainment.

Jodie boasts a substantial collection of Walt disney dvds and hoped to share her passion. She also writes about her other interests on her other internet websites. For many other examples of her appreciation for princesses look at her webpage Disney Princess Playtent

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