
Tips On How To Play Piano Songs

By Andrea D. Vacchiano

Some people would say the only way to play piano is to get a teacher and learn to read. Notes that is and all the terminology and theory that goes along with it. It takes years of instruction and diligent practice and dedication. If you want to play by notation this is the path. The question is how to play piano songs without all the grueling work?

There are quicker ways to accomplish an enjoyment of the instrument. Lead Sheets are a method professional's use. But everyone must learn where the notes are on the keyboard.

It is not that hard. The major scale consists of only seven notes and then repeats. The notes are labeled by the alphabet. They only use A through G. The octave or the eighth note is the same as the first or the root note, only lower or higher.

Take a look at the keyboard. Obviously there are white keys and black keys. Notice that the keys take on a pattern. There are two black keys, each has one white between, separated by two white keys, then three more black keys, with a white between each, and two white. Let's call the two black keys our two black sisters, and the three black keys the black brothers.

Everyone learns the Key of C first because is does not use any black keys. The C notes are to the left of the two black keys all over the board. The middle C is in the center. Find all the Cs and count them.

By putting the little finger of the left hand on the middle C and a finger on each key to the right an individual can command five notes, C, D, E, F, and G. Using the little finger, the middle finger and the thumb, press down simultaneously and now a C chord is formed.

By moving all three fingers to the right one note each, a D minor is formed. A D minor chord consists of the notes D, F, and A. If the whole Chord is moved again to the right the chord will be an E minor. This hand position can be moved up and down the keyboard to make seven different chords.

In any major key there are seven possible chords, one for each note. But if the scale is numbered one through seven, only the first, fourth and fifth chords will be major. All other chords will be minor except the seventh tone will be a diminished chord.

If a chord is major it is usually written as just its name. So C Major is usually just written as C. D minor is Dm. The letters dim usually follows diminished chords. Once the chords are learned then by ear and memory work out the melody with the right hand and find chords that sound good to it, and practice until the piece is smooth. This is how to play piano songs without professional instruction.

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