
Why You Should Consider A Small Tattoo

By Jamee Foddrill

There are lots of decisions to be made if you are getting a tattoo. The design of the tattoo, the size and the location on your body are all things you must consider. Even if you have decided on a theme, size and location for your tattoo, there are dozens of designs available for most themes.

On option may be to get a temporary tattoo first and see if you like the design. Make sure you keep a picture of the tattoo. If the size, location and design of the temporary tattoo work for you, you can have a permanent tattoo applied. This may not be possible with tattoos that cover large areas like sleeve tattoos. Temporary tattoos are usually fairly small.

If you are planning on a small tattoo, the temporaries are a great way to find out how you like the design and location. You can also get opinions from your friends and family.

Not everyone appreciates body art, and you may not be permitted to have tattoos that show at your work place. Small tattoos can be covered up by your clothing so they don't cause a problem at work. This is also an option if you attend formal functions and don't want a tattoo that shows under formal clothing. This is more of an issue for women than for men.

Another consideration when planning a tattoo is the cost of the design and the amount of time it will take to complete. Small tattoos are usually less expensive than larger designs and can be completed in one appointment. Larger designs like back tattoo and sleeve tattoos may take several appointments to complete and are much pricier than small ones.

Tattoos are considered permanent although they can be removed by a cosmetic surgeon with the use of a surgical laser. If you have a tattoo removed, it may leave a scar, or an area of skin with light pigmentation. A small tattoo is easier to remove than a large tattoo. The procedure to remove a large tattoo may also take several appointments.

Small tattoos do tend to fade more over time than large tattoos. Avoid rubbing the area of skin where your tattoo is located. Never scrub or use abrasive skin cleansers on your tattoo, especially when it is new. Follow your tattoo artist's directions for care of your tattoo.

Small tattoos can be applied anywhere on your body. Women often opt for an ankle or wrist tattoo. Tattoos can also be applied to the back of the neck, around the navel or anywhere you would like. Very small tattoos can be applied to the fingers. Some people have rings tattooed on their fingers.

Popular designs include oriental symbols and characters, zodiac signs, flowers, insects, cartoon characters and religious symbols. Celtic knot work may be used as a ring around the fingers. It is important to choose the right design and location because this design will be with you as long as you live. don't select a design you may not be happy with in a few years.

For those who like tattoos, but cannot display their body art at work, multiple small tattoos can be placed in a number of areas that will be hidden by your work clothes. If you decide on several tattoos, it is wise to stay with a single theme and chose different designs that harmonize. They will still be visible, at least to you.

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