
Uncovering How Paper Becomes A Brand New Article

By Lori Olson

Recycling is becoming extremely popular these days. Most people, whenever they move to a brand new dwelling will notice that their new homes are accompanied by a private bin separate for recycling. The funny thing is many people do not realize everything that the paper materials have to go through in order to be molded and shaped into a new product.

Before this material can be recycled, it must first be gathered together into a large pile. Homeowners will then have the option to place all of their materials to the curb, so these materials can be picked up at a later date.

After the paper has been received at one of your local recycling plants, it will then be sorted by the type of material that it is. For example, magazines will be put into one pile and then cards and other types of office supplies will be put into additional piles. The reason for this separation process is so that all of these materials can be processed separately.

When all of the materials have been set aside and put into their own categories, the real recycling process can then begin. Every bit of the material will be cut down into extremely small pieces and added together into a special water mixture. This mixture process is commonly referred to as pulping.

The pulping process turns the material into mush. Once the material has been made into mush, it is then bleached and dyed so that the color of the materials can be changed. The final stage is the least strenuous of the entire process.

The entire mush mixture that has been put together will be completely drained and screened. It will be placed onto a flat screen where it will be molded into shape. The screen also allows any additional water to drain directly off of the substance as well. Once all of these processes have been completed, the paper is now ready to become a brand new product for someone else to use at their disposal.

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