
Tommy Lee Jones' Finest Performances In Years Past

By Matthew Orton

Tommy Lee Jones is one of the quietly underrated actors of his generation. Jones was born in Texas, and his Southern drawl is part of his appeal in many of the movies that he is featured in. I don't think there are many actors that can play a cop or detective better than Jones, however saying so does not do his versatility justice. He can play any role.

This article will discuss what I consider to be the top five films starring or featuring Tommy Lee Jones.

The Fugitive is, simply put, one of my favorite movies of the nineties. It is hard to imagine anyone else in this movie besides Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. The "waterfall" scene remains one of my favorite scenes of any action movie. If you are a fan of action movies, then you must see The Fugitive.

Also starring Tommy Lee Jones and highly recognized by the Academy was No Country For Old Men. While Jones was as good as he could be in this film, the true star of this movie was Javier Bardem, who played one of the greatest cinematic villains in recent memory. Javier Bardem was a shoe in for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

One film that never got the love I felt it deserved was Volcano. I think people just don't like disaster films in general, or maybe it was because this film came out around a similar time as other films like Deep Impact and Armageddon. Nonetheless, I really liked this movie.

When it comes to Men In Black, I liked the original more. Who would have thought that Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones would make such a good team together? Jones plays the serious role while Will Smith provides the comedic relief.

Finally, I will include Olver Stone's JFK on this list. This film focuses on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and how there was more to it than originally thought. Kevin Kostner stars in this movie as well.

It is clear after going through Tommy Lee Jones' film catalog that he has had quite the fair share of excellent movies.

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