
Tips For Making Money Selling Digital Photographs

By Dan Feildman

If you are deciding to get into the stock photography business your first task is to create an attractive portfolio; an important part of this is organizing your photos into easily accessible files on your computer, ideally limiting the file size to approximately 20 photos per file. Another important tip is to give each photo an easily recognizable name for quick access.

Photo quality is extremely important so try and get it right from the start as editing photos will reduce their quality and may therefore be rejected by the leading stock photography sites. Make sure the camera settings are fixed at an optimum resolution - VERY IMPORTANT. Another good tip is to keep the sunlight directly behind you and for indoor photography using the flash and closing curtains will produce better quality shots.

If your photos need cropping or other basic editing I personally recommend Adobe Elements or Photoshop as they wont diminish the quality of your photos. These programs are available for a free 30 day download from Adobe.com; however, before you start begin editing I recommend you take your time to learn the program and I have an excellent training resource, LearnElementsNow.com, that shows you some excellent editing techniques that will actually improve overall photo quality.

With digital technology we can take as many photographs as we want without processing costs so i recommend you take advantage of this and take as many photos as you need in order to get that perfect shot. Also, take your camera with you wherever you go as you never know when the perfect shot will cross your viewfinder.

The best way to market your photos is through existing stock photography sites however they don't accept just anyone's work and will ask you to take a test which must be passed before you can submit your photos for sale. This is why you want to make sure your photos are high quality, wasting time and resources is not a good idea.

Upon acceptance to the stock photography site don't submit everything you have, take care to only submit your very best work. Present your work in a way that will entice purchasers to return to your stock. A final tip is to always submit your photos in .jpg format as certain other formats will be automatically rejected by some stock photography sites.

Don't rely solely upon stock photography sites, there is a whole range of other photo business opportunities that will allow you to literally turn your photos into cash.

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