
Passive vs Active 3D Which Is Best

By Paul Barlow

As technology moves forward, nearly everything will move to a higher level. Image displays appear to make the most use of the advantages of advanced technology these days. There are various kinds of image displays that are used however active 3D and passive 3D are the most well known ones. Even though they use the same concept, active 3D and passive 3D are different in a few ways. Nevertheless they have several similar features.

The active 3D tends to be more rapid than the passive one. Active 3D alternates quickly between the right eye and the left eye but in the same space. The motion is quite fast and you will require special glasses to be able to view images under active 3D. The special glasses are made in such manner that they are able to turn from opaque, to translucent and finally to transparent. The continuous change is done in sync with image transformation. This means that the image on the left side will only be displayed when the lens on the left side is transparent and the right one opaque. This is the same case with the right image lens.

In order to ensure that the special glasses are effective, you need to ensure that your hardware is proper so that it can be recognized by the special glasses to facilitate proper transformation of images. Using infrared emitters will ensure compatibility between your hardware and the special glasses.

However, passive 3D makes sure the picture is seen with left eye and right eye at the same time. Special glasses are worn to make sure the right eye looks at each picture. The special glasses in this situation also cut off any picture that is not meant for the other eye.

Active 3D appears to be a favorite of a lot of TV manufacturers. There are currently some plasma and LCD TVs that are 3D viewable. Active 3D is considered to be the mainstream of 3D TV according to a lot of TV manufacturers.

When it deals with viewing images, you will notice that the shutter glasses that are worn to see active 3D are somewhat uncomfortable and some people say they experience headaches when they wear them for a long time. Also they are more expensive than the glasses worn in passive 3D. The extra benefit they have is that they work well with existing hardware systems and this indicates that you don't have to spend more money to purchase something else.

3D technology is wildly popular. The major difference between the glasses used in passive, as opposed to active, 3D technology is a weighty one. Passive 3D only allows about one half of the light coming from the screen to hit the viewer's eye. The net effect is that what's being viewed looks dull. A big advantage of these glasses is cost; they are significantly less expensive than the ones available for active 3D.

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