
How To Digitize Photos For Yourself

By Merle Nixon

In today's society we live in a time where taking photos is still quite popular but thanks to modern technological advancement we can take pictures using different devices and saving them in a number of ways. You can now use a computer to digitize photos which can serve as an extra copy in case the originals are damaged.

It is very easy for images to become damaged thorough aging, water, or many other types of accidental disasters but if you have a digital backup copy of your photo, it can be replaced in no time. When learning how to make digital image the steps and materials are not hard or very many. The only thing you will need will be a computer or laptop and a scanner. Keep in though that the image quality depends on the capabilities of the scanner so make sure you get one with a reasonable resolution ratio.

The very first thing you will need to do to get started is to turn on your laptop or desktop. The next thing will be to make sure that all of your photos are organized in a specific order. This can be by name, type or the date it was taken. This is done because it makes the process a lot quicker than just randomly scanning pictures that are scattered all over the place.

After you have organized your pictures you can then open up your scanning software from your computer if did not already install it. Before you begin scanning you can create specific folder groups for the images so that they can be further organized. Now you are ready to take you first image and scan it. You will need to lift the lid on the scanner and place your image face down.

You can now lower the lid to the scanner and begin the scanning process from the device itself or the CPU. When the file is complete you can save the file and go to the next image and so on until all of them are complete.

You may find that the software will let you view your pictures before actually saving them. When saving, you should choose a file name that you can remember well and save it as a 'TIF' image. These types of pictures tend to be large on your hard drive but this is because the program will allow you to add effects and edit your photos later in the best quality.

When you digitize photos and save them in this format it may be a little large in file size but will give you more freedom to edit your photos if needed in other programs.

digitize photos

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