
Getting Started with Drumming

By Sookie Cosgrave

Drumming is a very rewarding, fun and exciting endeavor to take up, but it can also be frustrating at times. This is true not only as you start out, but also as you develop your skills and learn trickier, more advanced techniques. Instead of letting these pitfalls hold you back, it's a good idea to develop a set of tricks and tips to help get you over the hurdle. This way you'll be drumming like an expert to your favorite songs in no time. Here are a few tips for you to try out as you begin drumming.

Learn Sheet Music: A good first tip is to learn how to read music. It does take a lot of time and study, but it will be worth it in the long run. This is because as you get better, you may want to play along in a band or with other people which may require you to learn sheet music. It's really not that hard either, it just takes a bit of dedicated study.

Forget the Sheet Music: Learning sheet music is a good idea, but it is also a way to get bored quickly. In order to keep you interested, it's a good idea to play along to real songs once in a while. This can even be done as you're just beginning out. All you need to do is find a song you enjoy that has an easy beat to play along to. This will help keep you interested in playing and learning a new instrument.

Buy a Good Drum Kit: One way you will become a good drummer is by practice, and this means you'll need your very own drum kit to play on. New drum kits can be expensive, so if you want something more affordable take a look at used drum kits online. There are plenty of great kits that are in great working condition that cost a fraction of what they would if bought new. You'll find great deals on new kits from big name brands like Roland, Pearl and Zildjian.

Practice Practice Practice: The fourth and final tip is to practice as much as possible. If you are a busy person or tend to procrastinate, make sure to set a specific time aside during the day or week to sit down and practice for at least an hour. It's a good idea to have a set schedule that you can stick to and monitor your practice. By following these simple tips, you'll be able to overcome the difficult learning process and be on your way to excellent drumming in no time.

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