
Find The Perfect Setting For Your Next Photo Shoot

By Leigh Cutright

If you are planning a photo shoot and want a truly professional result, it is important to spend some time with organization. Organizing every aspect of the photo shoot will ensure that your shoot will run smoothly and provide a polished result.

When planning for a photo shoot, always think location, location, location. The best possible location is not necessarily a traditional photography studio. In fact, while the lighting is easily controlled in a studio, natural light is often better and the final product will be the proof.

A city loft is a great location for a photo shoot. Typically these locations offer both plenty of space for working, as well as natural lighting. Find a loft with large windows, if possible, to let in the best amount of light.

In addition, a loft probably provides kitchen space and changing or bathroom areas that are essential for a full-day or multi-day project. Try to find a loft that includes wireless internet, proper power distribution and an elevator large enough to accommodate all of your equipment. If the loft building has a freight elevator, that is ideal.

Knowing the size and configuration of the space beforehand will greatly enhance your ability to come prepared to your photo shoot. So be sure to go to the loft, take pictures of the space and get specs on the rooms. This will help you decide what types of props or furnishings can be used. It also might provide some inspiration. You might have had one idea in mind before visiting the loft, and after seeing it, become inspired by a whole new set of ideas.

Make a checklist of everything you might need to bring. Be sure all of your equipment is clearly labeled, as well. This will help your assistants work more smoothly. It also is a good idea to bring several laptops loaded with photo editing software, so you can get a true idea of the finished product.

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