
Composing Songs - Tips For the Composer

By James Deacon

The piano is a very useful instrument when composing music because you can test out different chords as you are composing. If you do not like the way one chord sounds you can try a different one by simply pressing the different keys on the piano. If you play piano and want to compose music you are lucky because the piano will be a very helpful tool to help you compose music whether you are writing a song or a piece for piano or other instruments.

When you are trying to develop the melody of your piece you can try out different melodies by playing and experimenting with different chord and melodies. The great thing about the piano is that you can hear how a melody would sound in a high octave as well as a low octave. Sometimes melodies sound better in higher octaves and you may even want to consider putting a counter melody in your piece to make it really interesting.

Many young composers want to hear what their melody will sound like when they combine it with harmonizing chords. The great thing about the piano is that you can use two hands to play so that you can test out your chords and your melody together at the same time. Being able to play the piano is like being able to play multiple instruments at the same time because you can play up to ten different notes at once.

Experimenting with pitches is also an extremely important part of composing any musical composition. You should test out different pitches and see which ones you like the best. This is extremely easy to do on the piano because it is so easy to play the different pitches because all you have to do is press a simple key and you can see which pitch you like the best! Or you get a singer to do some singing if you have a preliminary sketch of your new song or piece.

Once you are done composing a piece of music recording it is often a good idea so that you can hear how it sounds. Often you may think something sounds good, but then when you listen to a recording of it, it does not sound the way you thought it would. Recording yourself playing is also fun because you can go back and change things and then try and record it again!

Music notation is the process in which you write down the notes on staff paper. Doing this is helpful because then if someone else wants to try playing the piece that you have composed they can play it without having to figure out what all of the notes are by ear! Notating music is extremely easy to learn and will make you into a world famous composer one day!

Many composers have great musical minds, but don't have the ability to play all of the instruments that are present within their piece. If you cannot play your piece then you should get someone to play it or sing it for you so you can see how it sounds. The most important thing to remember when starting to compose is that if you compose often you will eventually improve over time so keep working at it and don't give up.

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