
Evaluating Arts Effect On Society

By Leigh Bean

Artist use their skills to portray different issues of life. Art is used to describe activities done by man using some skill whether in-born or learned. In the world today there are different types of arts namely: decorative art, imaginative art and visual art. The discipline has impacted greatly on almost all aspects of life. It is clear to see the arts effect on society in the contemporary world. Individuals are allowed to praise and judge arts that are present in the society. People from all classes of life, ranging from students to qualified professionals, are allowed to participate in art and craft in industry.

Artists are serving the purpose of trying to tell the current world about things that happened in the past. They make images and draw pictures that help reflect life in the ancient days. It helps to reveal some tactics that were used by the people back then to achieve a smooth life. Individuals are able to know some of the activities that used to take place in the past and how they could make them better. They can emulate the events that took place in the past and apply them in daily life.

Art can be used to describe to visitors the way of life adopted by a certain society or ethnic group. A person is able to read and internalize pictures drawn and relate them to a particular culture. Culture embodies many aspects of daily life such as dressing, eating habits and religious beliefs. Artists draw pictures and craft images that reflect all these. Different societies had distinct lifestyles. Paintings helped foreigners learn that culture and get used to it. It is easier for one to learn from pictures compared to written works.

Creative works have encouraged patriotism and national pride in many people. Individuals have learned how to appreciate their country. It has taught people the good and unique features in their countries. People are able to interpret the work of art and appreciate various countries. Individuals can be able to differentiate citizens of their country from non citizens.

Art helps to sharpen the consciousness of individuals in various ways. People are able to understand different ways in which holidays and leisure time are spent. Artists gather information and modify it to suit their desires. They may as well modify and modernize ancient artifacts.

It helps create awareness of certain issues in life. Some of the pictures used try to raise a certain concern in the society. Heads in a community are therefore aware of a certain aspect in society and try to find ways of how to deal with it. It also helps alert those in a community of a danger that is likely to arise. People then try to avoid the danger or get prepared to handle it.

Pictures and sculptures are seen to communicate better more than any literature can. They are very open and reveal everything to the community. These pictures do not hide any information from the community. Stories and tales may undergo modification and falsification. The information conveyed from one generation to another through word of mouth is unreliable.

Artists have been very important to society since time immemorial. They are believed to be very educative to most people especially children. People are able to use these arts in different ways. The most notable arts effect on society is apparent in the industry of fashion and design. The works are meant to help those in a community improve their lifestyle.

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