
The Underrated Nature Of Bottle Cap Designs

By Stephanie Skinner

Few people are going to have their eyes on the cap of the bottle of soda they intend to purchase. It may sound ludicrous, but the large percentage of people ignoring bottle cap designs is not privy to one of the most interesting design and marketing industries around.

Despite this, we should probably start with old fashioned tops and what exactly we can get out of them. While these have not changed much over the years, the simple presence of traditional, infamous logos like Coca Cola or Pepsi has transformed these seemingly worthless caps into retro accessories. Today, they are seen in mass on bracelets, necklaces and even earrings. They may not be chic, but they have a certain, trendy appeal.

Newer beverage companies like tea and juice manufacturers often go for more outlandish styles, which begs the question of why these long standing brands stick to simple and are resistant to change. Certainly, Coca Cola has shaken up the appearance of the can, and their marketing strategy frequently shifts too. But never the cap.

There is a simple reason for this, and it comes down to brand. Brands like Coca Cola succeed because they are established, easily recognizable and reliable. Right down to the bottle cap designs this is reflected. They may be simple and they may never change, but that is precisely what makes Coca Cola such an appealing product.

You do not see such staggering levels of simplicity on the caps of newer drinks because they need to get an edge wherever they can. Snapple, one of the new products of Coca Cola, has fun facts printed on each of their caps. It is not a game changer, but it is something and surely lures a few extra buyers. Naked Juice, meanwhile, targets ecologically minded consumers by advertising bottles and caps as environmentally friendly.

In the expanding beverage market, bottle cap designs can be both retro and modern. While you may not be paying attention to them, it might be worth checking out what makes the top of you drink unique.

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