
How To Learn To Play Guitar For Newbies

By Timson Deboson

When you learn to play guitar for newbies, it can be a wonderful thing to do for many reasons, whether they are creative or practical. For some, it is a needed skill to pursue a certain area or to learn a specific thing, for others, it is a way to broaden their horizons, creative or otherwise. An acoustic six-string guitar is best for this, and a pick can be used for strumming, although this is not necessary.

That is really all that is needed to begin, although it is worth remembering that, like many other skills, learning how to play the guitar will take patience. For those who love music, this is an easier quality to learn to possess.

When you are learning how to play the guitar, there are some basics which you will need to know. How the strings are arranged and how they are used to produce notes is one of these things.

The strings are placed in order of thickness on the neck of the guitar and there are six of them, with each string making a different note. The lowest note is made using the thickest string and is an E note, and the order of the strings is A, D, G, B and another, higher E, which is a thin string. These need to be remembered, especially in terms of where your fingers sit.

Your dominant hand will be the one doing this, when you are playing your guitar, so it is good to practice with that hand on the neck of the guitar. The notes and chords are affected by strings being held down or plunked. Remembering which strings elicit which chords or notes will be very helpful and will prevent you from making so many mistakes when playing.

When you press down on these strings, they will make the right notes and that is what you want to get used to doing. The notes themselves might be quite difficult, but it is also good to practice moving between the individual chords. Between lessons, it is a good idea to spend time practicing what you have learnt to make further lessons much easier.

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