
Fashion Line By Lindsay Lohan Honors Monroe

By Luke Browe

Once a child star, Lindsay Lohan went on to become a successful actress as an adult. Although occasionally troubled, she has always prevailed, promoting her own brand of tanning spray and even candidates for political office. She is fascinated by movie starlet Marilyn Monroe, and has created a clothing line that pays homage to the star by being named after her birthday, 6126, which represents June 1, 1926.

Miss Lindsay is also featured in fashion shoots for many of the top designers and photographers. She is often remembered for recreating Monroe's last photo shoot as well as a Harper's Bazaar shoot featuring superheroes. Even publicity that is not necessarily positive often results in job offers for this lovely lady. She can easily pull off the look of the 'girl next door' as well as a sexy siren.

Lohan is known for her fashion sense, and many try to copy her unique look. She embodies the playfulness of a teenager with the class and taste of a more mature individual. Her clothing creations include fun leggings but also classic black dresses and separates.

She originally marketed only the leggings but later felt the need to expand her offerings. Besides outerwear and dresses, she has also created handbags and shoes to create a total look. Ali Lohan, Lindsay's little sister, is often a model for big sister's fashion line. The designs have been seen in Star Magazine, as well as websites which promote styles of the stars.

Her design mix many moods, similar to Lindsay herself. Some are sexy and sultry while others are girly and playful. Even the basic items, like the leggings, go beyond just solid colors. Several different artistic patterns are available, even some with added metallic accents.

This clothing line appeals to women in several different age ranges and also plus sized ladies. It combines classic and trendy, so these items are long lasting and will not fall out of fashion soon. They can be found online on some clothing and fashion websites, as well as Facebook.

Lindsay Lohan has many years of accomplishment yet to come, as an actress, a fashion designer, and beauty product promoter, among others. It is very possible she has new ventures in the works that have not yet seen the light of day. It would be a shame for Lohan to stop now, wasting her considerable talents and expertise in several different fields. A fashion line by her is definitely not one to miss.

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