
Understand The Music Of Kosmoratik Band

By Cathy Mercer

Kosmoratik band set out to experiment on the practicability of layering in music. They sort to achieve this through choice of words, musical instruments and performance style. The result was a classical symphonic beat that is unique and outstanding. This style of performance can be traced in each of their tracks. It has propelled the group to international fame and allowed them to capture a loyal fan base.

Layering was tried out using such instruments as acoustic guitar, oboe and string quartet. The result is an excellent harmony that is enriched with exceptional vocals by the singers. The melody is memorable in the ears of listeners. The band has fused classical rock elements which makes their performances energetic and gives them depth. A number of accomplished ancient artists have inspired these singers.

Eivind Johansen has been one of the accomplished vocalists since the inception of this band. He also is a talented composer and lyrics writer. His mastery of artistic word combination with multiple interpretations makes their music fit for different occasions. This is a unique depth and mystery that has come to be associated with the group.

Gunnar Odd is a guitarist and was with the band during formation as well. He doubles as a keyboardist and is also excellent with the bass. His contribution towards the success of the group goes beyond instrumentation. He is an arranger and specializes in string instruments and woodwind. This has resulted in exceptional and professional compositions that are unique in all ways possible.

Liselotte is a seasoned vocalist who discovered her talent from young age. She has vocalized each of these tracks from formation of the group. She has a unique ability to interplay jazz and rock with so much ease that live performances are electrifying. Her teaming up with Eivind allows the band to produce an incredible harmony that runs through all their tracks.

The inspiration of accomplished artists, poets and singers cannot be ruled out from the success of the group. Inspirational musicians include Lennon and Cohen who ruled their days in music. There is a lot of poetry in their lyrics that can be traced back to Lumi and Hafez who are ancient Persian poets. As a group, they have taken the effect that Beatles had and made it even better. Their performance is outstanding.

Recording and performing using quality musical instruments have resulted in the best sounds. This group is selective unlike upcoming and haphazardly assembled bands. Their fan base continues to grow with every performance and is spread all over the world.

The first album that this band released was Gravitation, which hit the market in Spring of 2012. The world waited for it with baited breath and never got disappointed. The sounds and lyrics were carefully thought out and assembled through all songs. It increased their popularity and was received well by market listeners and music lovers across generations.

Kosmoratik has ridden on the wave of a unique sound combination giving their fans something to wait upon. Their style is melodic, open and epic which is closely linked to progressive rock. There is something authentic and mystical in every track.

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